2024-2025 Schoolyear is here!

You Are Amazing!

Your generous support of our students and teachers through the recent Supply Drive and Raffle, plus on-going Donations and Volunteering are all helping to enrich the  school experience at HMBHS.

Keep It Coming!

What Does Your HMBHS PTO do for Students and Teachers?

The PTO Supports Academics and Enrichment at Half Moon Bay High School by providing funding and volunteers for the following:

College Application Workshops

Supporting counselors with college workshops…

College Application Workshops

Supporting counselors with college workshops for juniors and seniors and with college visits.

Event Hospitality

Freshman Orientation, Back to School Night, Teacher Luncheons…

Event Hospitality

Freshman Orientation, Back to School Night, Teacher Luncheons, Local Scholarship Night, Department Award Night, and Graduation

Professional Development

Teacher workshops and seminars…

Professional Development

Funding for teachers to attend workshops and seminars to further or maintain their academic professional credentials such as academic degrees, and to learn new curriculum.

Field Trips

Financial support for various field trips across all departments…

Field Trips

Providing financial support for various field trips across all departments.


Decorations and Hospitality


Decorations and Hospitality


Internet-based plagiarism prevention service…


Internet-based plagiarism prevention service gives instructors tools that streamline manual grading processes, so they can spend more time teaching.

Campus Beautification

Making our campus an inviting, clean place where our kids want to learn…

Campus Beautification

Making our campus an inviting, clean place where our kids want to learn.

Discretionary Spending

Special projects such as the new Cougar Park

Discretionary Spending

Special projects such as the new Cougar Park

Your support makes Half Moon Bay High School a better place for our students and teachers!